Telegram to President Kennedy from South Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond
September 30, 1962
- What is Strom Thurmond arguing in his telegram to the President?
- What does Senator Thurmond mean by the "unconstitutional will of the national courts"?
- What point does Senator Thurmond make in highlighting the following contradiction: "Many of the same people who are crying out for disarmament in the face of the serious threat posed by our communist enemy, are in the forefront urging that troops be used against the people of Mississippi"?
For Further Research and Discussion
- Senator Thurmond argues that by sending troops, the federal government would be infringing on the "right of the state of Mississippi to control its own educational system under Constitutional authority." The Constitution makes no specific mention of education; the responsibility for education is therefore a power reserved to the states. How can the federal government, then, legally intervene in educational matters?