- What does the President state as his main concern?
- Is this Governor Barnett's main concern? What other concerns does he reveal?
audio recording of phone conversation
JFK: Yeah.
Barnett: . . . and I, he, uh, he said that what we were talking about we wouldn't have any trouble. Do it, uh, tonight, you know.
JFK: Yeah. Well, the, uh, our people say that it's still a very, uh, [strained?] situation They wouldn't, uh, feel that, uh, they could, uh, take a chance on taking him outside that building. Now if we, can we get these fellows? I hear they got some high powered rifles up there that have been shooting sp , sporadically. Can we get that stopped? How many people have you got there? We hear you only got fifty.
Barnett: Well, I have approximately two hundred there now, Mr. President. That's not that . . .
JFK: You got two hundred?
Barnett: Sir, about two hundred.
JFK: 'Cau . . . . Yeah.
Barnett: Uh . . .
JFK: Well, now let me get in touch with my people.
Barnett: . . . and we don't have but, uh, two hundred and ten of twelve, uh, patrolmen, you see.
JFK: I see. Well, now, let me get my people back again.
Barnett: I'm doing everything in the world I can.
JFK: That's right. Well, we've got to get this situation under control. That's much more important than anything else.
Barnett: Yes. Well, that's right. I . . .
JFK: Now, let me, uh, let me talk to my people, and let me tell, find out what the situation is there.
Barnett: Yes.
JFK: They called me a few minutes ago and said they had some high powered
rifles there. So we don't wanta, uh, start moving . . .
Barnett: Mr. President .
JFK: . . anybody around.
Barnett: . . . peop, people are wiring me and calling me saying, "Well, you've given up." I said, I had to say, "No, I'm not giving up, not giving up any fight."
JFK: Yeah, but we don't want to . . .
Barnett: "I never give up. I, I have courage and faith, and, and we'll win this fight." You understand. That's just to Mississippi people.
JFK: I understand. But I don't think anybody, either in Mississippi or any place else wants a lot of people killed.
Barnett: Oh, no. No. I . . .
JFK: And that's what, Governor, that's the most important thing. We want . . .
Barnett: . . . I'll iss , I'll issue any statement, any time about peace and violence.
JFK: Well, now here's what we could do. Let's get the maximum number of your state police to get that situation so we don't have sporadic firing. I will then be in touch with my people and then you and I'll be talking again in a few minutes about, see what we got there then.
Barnett: All right.
JFK: Thank you, Governor.
Barnett: All right now.
JFK: I'll be back.