- What picture do you get of the situation in Oxford from this brief conversation?
- According to the President what is the State Highway Patrol doing at this point?
Questions for further discussion:
- What steps could Governor Barnett have taken to curb mob violence?
audio recording of phone conversation
JFK: Hello.
Voice 1: Just one moment, sir.
Voice 2?: There you are, sir. There's the president.
JFK: Hello. Hello.
Barnett: Uh, Mr. President?
JFK: Yes, Governor.
Barnett: I, I just talked with Colonel Birdsong...
JFK: Right.
Barnett: ...who is our director of the highway patrol . . .
JFK: That's right.
Barnett: . . . and he assures me that he has approximately one hundred and fifty men there now.
JFK: Now, we got a report that they're all in their cars two or three blocks away.
Barnett: I told 'em, just like you asked me, to get moving.
JFK: I see. Now, can you get them so that we stop this, uh, rifle shooting? That's what we gotta stop.
Barnett: Well, he says he's doing all that he can. He says there're strangers in there.
JFK: I know it, well that's what we hear.
Barnett: And, uh, he's calling for fifty more, and that'll, that'll put it up around two hundred.
JFK: Can they get those students to go to bed?
Barnett: Well, he says he's trying to, and, uh, I don't think it'll be long before he can get them all to bed.
JFK: Okay. Will you stay at...
Barnett: Maybe not, I can't tell...
JFK: Well, let's stay right at it. We, we ought to be, uh, that's what we gotta do before...
Barnett: Uh, he's...
JFK: ...we can, uh, do anything.
Barnett: ...he's reporting, uh, constantly to a gentleman who has control of the activities of the troops there.
JFK: Yeah.
Barnett: And, uh, he understands that he's doing all he can.
JFK: Well, I think that it's very important, Governor, aside from, uh, this issue, we don't want a lot of people, uh, killed, just because they, particularly, uh, evidently two or three guardsmen have been shot. And, of course, so , our marshals and then that state trooper, so we don't want...
[Recording ends abruptly.]